Websites Made for Small Business Owners and Brands Looking to Convert Local Customers

Your Website Can't Look Cheap - But Should Be Affordable

As small business owners, we don’t want to spend the weekends learning how to use Canva, Wix, and SquareSpace. Spend that time with your family and know that a professional is crafting your design.

The location of your users matter! Web traffic from several states away won't help open your cash registers. Creating content that attracts local users, speak their language, and shows up in ``near me`` searches need experts crafting the strategy.

Just because you are a Small Business doesn't mean your website needs to look like something built in 2003. We want your business to look local, but not cheap. We use local photography and people - but we use designs that the big brands would use.

There's so much you can do on your website to help you save overhead. With a few applications, we can turn that 30-minute task into an automated machine. We build websites to help you save time and earn money. Functionality and tools can make a difference.

Small Business Websites that GROW with Your Business

Websites can be a "set it and forget it", but that's not a great formula for winning on the Internet. We work with small business owners so they can update their website and feel comfortable making changes. We provide 1-on-1 training or self-paced video training so you can make the changes and won't be held captive by a "coder".

Small Business Web Design Services

Small business websites are not all created equal. Sometimes a business can get away with a single-page website and rank #1 on all search engines. Others (looking at you attorneys) need an elaborate setup just to get in the top 30 of search. We can determine what you need to OWN the market.

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Affordable Websites

We know you can’t head to the local Riesbecks and put a “website” in your cart. It’s difficult to compare pricing from freelancer designers and big design agencies. We provide affordable options that are worth the money.

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Responsive Web Design

Your website needs to be mobile friendly. Whether that is an app or a responsive website, your customers rely on having a great mobile experience and don’t want to pinch and zoom. All Eric Hersey Websites are Mobile Friendly.

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eCommerce Websites

Compete with the big boys and offer options to buy online. eCommerce websites are easily managed from your phone or your desktop. We create solutions that allow you to update inventory, creating shipping labels, and track sales without the manual labor.

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WordPress Websites

Small business websites don’t have to be on Wix or SquareSpace. WordPress is a backend platform that gives small businesses access to modify design and use exclusive tools to save you time and money.

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Custom Web Design

We haven’t duplicated a single design yet…and we don’t plan on starting with your website. We create customized solutions for your brand, asking you important questions to understand what your website needs and how you want it to look.

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B2B Websites

If your traditional customer is another business, we understand you. Eric Hersey Web Design specializes in creating Business-to-Business websites. We focus our content on your customer and sometimes that’s a single person (or buyer).

Design for the User and the Bot.

It takes strategy to get users to your website. It takes creativity to stop the scroll.
Right Brain. Left Brain. Total Mind Control.

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Small Business Web Design Services & More

Your website is the foundation to a great marketing strategy, but it takes more than just hitting the “publish” button. We help craft your plan for domination in the Ohio Valley.

Eric Hersey Web Content Marketing

Content Marketing

How will you get new eyeballs on your website and products? Content Marketing allows you an affordable and effective way to get new customers calling and knocking on your door.

Eric Hersey Web SEO

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is not some fancy buzzword a local advertising rep just learned during new hire training. We won’t try to explain it in one-sentence because we know its more elaborate than that.

Eric Hersey Web Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

You can let your office manager post on your Facebook page, but when you want help formulating a plan and learning how to create a valuable community on social – talk with us.

Eric Hersey Web Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Marketing online comes in many formats. From display ads to influencer marketing, find out what tactics are helping businesses grow.

Eric Hersey Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Analytics is the hidden gem that separates many small businesses from the rest. Ask your peers about Google Analytics, Search Console, or Business Profile. They will think you’re a genius when you tell them you have a team that works on these platforms.

Eric Hersey Web Email Marketing

Email Marketing

How many contacts can you fit in your Gmail CC? If you think this is email marketing, please contact us. We know how to build up a list and get customers to interact (and convert) with your emails.